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Premio Fulkerson

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Premio Fulkerson
Premio a Artículo científico destacado en matemáticas discretas
Otorgado por Mathematical Optimization Society, American Mathematical Society
Ubicación Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
Primera entrega 1979
Sitio web oficial

El Premio Fulkerson es un premio otorgado por la Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS) y la American Mathematical Society (AMS) a autores de artículos científicos destacados en el área de las matemáticas discretas. Cada tres años, son premiados hasta tres artículos en el Simposium Internacional de la MOS.

Originalmente, los premios (que ascienden a 1500 dólares) se cargaban a un fondo conmemorativo administrado por la AMS, creado por amigos del matemático Delbert Ray Fulkerson para fomentar la excelencia en los ámbitos de la investigación. Los premios están actualmente financiados por un fondo administrado por la MOS.




  1. Richard Karp, "On the computational complexity of combinatorial problems", Networks 5: 45-68, 1975.
  2. Kenneth Appel y Wolfgang Haken, "Every planar map is four colorable, Part I: Discharging," Illinois Journal of Mathematics 21: 429-490, 1977.
  3. Paul Seymour , "The matroids with the max-flow min-cut property," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 23: 189-222, 1977.
  4. D. B. Judin y Arkadi Nemirovski, "Informational complexity and effective methods of solution for convex extremal problems," Ekonomika i Matematicheskie Metody 12: 357-369, 1976.
  5. Leonid Jachián, "A polynomial algorithm in linear programming," Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Doklady 244: 1093-1096, 1979.
  6. «Leonid Khachiyan, professor, leading computer scientist». The Boston Globe. 5 de mayo de 2005. .
  7. Martin Grötschel, László Lovász y Alexander Schrijver, "The ellipsoid method and its consequences in combinatorial optimization," Combinatorica 1: 169-197, 1981.
  8. G. P. Egorychev, "The solution of van der Waerden's problem for permanents," Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Doklady 258: 1041-1044, 1981.
  9. D. I. Falikman, "A proof of the van der Waerden conjecture on the permanent of a doubly stochastic matrix," Matematicheskie Zametki 29: 931-938, 1981.
  10. Jozsef Beck, "Roth's estimate of the discrepancy of integer sequences is nearly sharp," Combinatorica 1 (4): 319-325, 1981.
  11. H. W. Lenstra, Jr., "Integer programming with a fixed number of variables," Mathematics of Operations Research 8 (4): 538-548, 1983.
  12. Eugene M. Luks, "Isomorphism of graphs of bounded valence can be tested in polynomial time," Journal of Computer and System Sciences 25 (1): 42-65, 1982.
  13. «U of O Computer Chief Gets Top Award». Eugene Register-Guard. 10 de agosto de 1985. .
  14. Éva Tardos, "A strongly polynomial minimum cost circulation algorithm," Combinatorica 5: 247-256, 1985.
  15. Narendra Karmarkar, "A new polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming," Combinatorica 4:373-395, 1984.
  16. Martin E. Dyer, Alan M. Frieze y Ravindran Kannan, "A random polynomial time algorithm for approximating the volume of convex bodies", Journal of the ACM 38 (1): 1-17, 1991.
  17. Alfred Lehman, "The width-length inequality and degenerate projective planes," W. Cook and P. D. Seymour (eds.), Polyhedral Combinatorics, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, volume 1, (American Mathematical Society, 1990) pp. 101-105.
  18. Nikolai E. Mnev, "The universality theorems on the classification problem of configuration varieties and convex polytope varieties," O. Ya. Viro (ed.), Topology and Geometry-Rohlin Seminar, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1346 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988) pp. 527-544.
  19. Louis Billera, "Homology of smooth splines: Generic triangulations and a conjecture of Strang", Transactions of the AMS 310: 325-340, 1988.
  20. Gil Kalai, "Upper bounds for the diameter and height of graphs of the convex polyhedra", Discrete and Computational Geometry 8: 363-372, 1992.
  21. Neil Robertson, Paul Seymour y Robin Thomas, "Hadwiger's conjecture for K_6-free graphs," Combinatorica 13: 279-361, 1993.
  22. Kim, Jeong Han (1995). «The Ramsey number R(3,t) has order of magnitude t2/log t». Random Structures & Algorithms 7 (3): 173-207. MR 1369063. doi:10.1002/rsa.3240070302. .
  23. Michel X. Goemans y David P. Williamson, "Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum cut and satisfiability probelsm using semi-definite programming", Journal of the ACM 42 (6): 1115-1145, 1995.
  24. Michele Conforti, Gérard Cornuéjols y M. R. Rao, "Decomposition of balanced matrices", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 77 (2): 292-406, 1999.
  25. «MR Rao New Dean Of ISB». Financial Express. 2 de julio de 2004. .
  26. J. F. Geelen, A. M. H. Gerards y A. Kapoor, "The Excluded Minors for GF(4)-Representable Matroids," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 79 (2): 247-2999, 2000.
  27. a b c «2003 Fulkerson Prize Citation». Mathematical Optimization Society. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2016. 
  28. Bertrand Guenin, "A characterization of weakly bipartite graphs," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 83 (1): 112-168, 2001.
  29. Satoru Iwata, Lisa Fleischer, Satoru Fujishige, "A combinatorial strongly polynomial algorithm for minimizing submodular functions," Journal of the ACM, 48 (4): 761-777, 2001.
  30. Alexander Schrijver, "A combinatorial algorithm minimizing submodular functions in strongly polynomial time," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 80 (2): 346-355, 2000.
  31. Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal y Nitin Saxena, "PRIMES is in P," Annals of Mathematics, 160 (2): 781-793, 2004.
  32. Raghunathan, M. S. (11 de junio de 2009). «India as a player in Mathematics». The Hindu. Archivado desde el original el 14 de junio de 2009. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2016. .
  33. a b c «2006 Fulkerson Prize citation». Mathematical Optimization Society. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2016. 
  34. Mark Jerrum, Alistair Sinclair y Eric Vigoda, "A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with nonnegative entries," Journal of the ACM, 51 (4): 671-697, 2004.
  35. Neil Robertson y Paul Seymour, "Graph Minors. XX. Wagner's conjecture," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 92 (2): 325-357, 2004.
  36. Maria Chudnovsky, Neil Robertson, Paul Seymour y Robin Thomas, "The strong perfect graph theorem", Annals of Mathematics, 164: 51-229, 2006.
  37. a b c «2009 Fulkerson Prize citation». Mathematical Optimization Society. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2016. 
  38. Daniel A. Spielman y Shang-Hua Teng, "Smoothed analysis of algorithms: Why the simplex algorithm usually takes polynomial time", Journal of the ACM 51: 385-463, 2004.
  39. Thomas C. Hales, "A proof of the Kepler conjecture", Annals of Mathematics 162: 1063-1183, 2005.
  40. Samuel P. Ferguson, "Sphere Packings, V. Pentahedral Prisms", Discrete and Computational Geometry 36: 167-204, 2006.
  41. Sanjeev Arora, Satish Rao y Umesh Vazirani, "Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning", Journal of the ACM 56: 1-37, 2009.
  42. Anders Johansson, Jeff Kahn y Van H. Vu, "Factors in random graphs", Random Structures and Algorithms 33: 1-28, 2008.
  43. László Lovász y Balázs Szegedy, "Limits of dense graph sequences", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 96: 933-957, 2006.
  44. Santos, Francisco (2011). «A counterexample to the Hirsch conjecture». Annals of Mathematics 176 (1): 383-412. MR 2925387. arXiv:1006.2814. doi:10.4007/annals.2012.176.1.7. 
  45. «2015 Fulkerson Prize citation». Mathematical Optimization Society. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2016. 

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